Tuesday, November 4, 2014


            In the Abigail Adams letter she advises and reminds her son who is traveling abroad with his father, John Adams, to take ahold of every given opportunity there is. She wanted to shape up and guide John Quincy Adams into a better thinker and innovator just like his father, John Adams. Abigail Adams lets her son know how much knowledge he has and all the superior advantages he has laid out in front of him so that he does not repent his second voyage to France.  She advises and persuades him all by using rhetorics such as pathos, logos, and ethos as well as adding in figurative language such as metaphors and imagery.
            The use of pathos is seen in the tone used by Abigail Adams throughout her letter. She shows shifting through serious and then to a sensitive more connective tone towards her son from beginning to end. She appeals to emotions such as “Render your parents supremely happy, particularly your ever affectionate mother,”. She also uses emotional appeals when she rants into the greatness that her son holds which has made her a proud mother. This better persuades and encourages John Quincy Adams to take action.
            The use of logos is merely seen through the example given of Cicero.
 This gives her persuasion towards her son to be a more historical inspiration for the way Cicero accomplished his achievements through the push and struggle of many haters. She expands her use of logos by expressing that “ all history will convince you of this, and that wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience”.
            As Abigail Adams writes the letter she writes and awards herself towards he credibility, reminding her son that it was her urge towards him to accompany his father and brother on the voyage. “If I had thought your reluctance arose from proper deliberation… I should not have urged you to accompany your father and brother.” Abigail Adams speaks towards her son as a “mother-knows-best” tone, and compliments herself and her husband, John Adams.  “You have a parent… as to be honored with the important embassy which at present calls him abroad.” Abigail Adams furthermore adds on the credibility of his father to encourage John to do be outstanding and take ahold of the greater advantages given.


  1. Historical context should be provided in the introduction to set the stage. There are citations provided but the writer does not analyze the text very well. The essay is short so it does not provide a lot of information about the text as well. More analysis is need. The writer shows that she understand the rhetorical devices that Adams is using.

  2. The writers thesis is well supported by citations but citations can be better analyzed in order to provide a sufficient amount of evidence. Although this essay lacks in length it does however show the writers understanding of rhetorical uses.
