Wednesday, November 5, 2014


         My name is *Julia Rodriguez, and I am a proud Hispanic who’s 16 years of age. I am a softball player who currently has 3 college course classes in her 11th grade year. In my community I would be known as a person que va a salir de la pobresa otherwise known as “someone who will leave from the poverty”. I am identified as an overachiever in my community and people express admiration for it. Although I like the recognition as the more and more people I meet along the way of my path of education, I find it reprehensible to not hear of those who have made a difference in another aspect besides education. As a Hispanic we hardly have a great big headline on a newspaper of an achievement we made, unless if it is in our own Hispanic newspaper. We should heed the little achievements of others as well and not just in the Hispanic community in every community with unspoken heroes, pursuers, or achievers.

         I am excited to be in your class because you were such a great substitute and your zeal goes perfectly well with the way you teach. I am very lucky to have an intellectual teacher like you this year and I bet you will teach me a lot. In my ninth grade year I had Mr. M who had us read books to capture our ideas, images and thoughts in a journal just like the RR journal. I enjoyed it a lot because it was well organized and like a book diary. In my 10th enjoyed having his class because his selections of books for the class were prodigious and astounding. As the year round up, my favorite class would have to be my Creative Writing class in middle school. My writing is so amazing and better when I free write or write fictional stories because my mind gets carried away with great, big ideas. When writing my stories it was just pages and pages piling up. The most pages I have written for that class were 16 pages long. I believe we should have more of these Creative Writing classes because it opens up teens’ creative minds that have never been discovered or brought to light yet.

        My goal in life is to become a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. I just have a great love and care for children as well as patience. Knowing that I can cure or make children get/feel better is such a good feeling. For my educational ride into becoming a pediatrician I just want a four-year ticket to a good UC school. The more and more I spend in high school, the less friends I have and the more homework I have. I don’t need a lot of friends to know that I am great, because I know I am! I like to describe myself competitive and ardent yet I get lazy which is really bad. As a matter of fact, I love a little competition here and there and I believe it is good for everyone.

*Name has been changed

1 comment:

  1. Very nice descriptive and thought out essay! It flows very nicely and i can right away tell what the message you are trying to convey is, "We should hear the achievements of others as well and not just in the Hispanic community, but in every community with unspoken heroes, pursuers, or achievers." I enjoy the fact that you provide personal insights as well as personal goals and aspirations. I liked the fact that you shared what your writing genre is-fiction. It is intriguing to know about your creative writing classes as well.
