Tuesday, November 4, 2014


                Locavore Movement
            A community is considering organizing a locavore movement. Locavores are people who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products as much as possible. With nutrition starting to grab people’s attention, the locavore movement has become widespread and well-known over the past decade. Beginning a locavore movement would be a more convenient resolution to bio-terrorism, the earth (as in: air quality and pollution), supporting local providers, and overall because it taste 10 times better. However, starting this movement is not so easy. Some might disagree in the benefits of eating food grown and produced locally because of the distance of fresh produce and because Americans aren’t really motivated and nutrient deprived to eat these types of produced food. The locavore movement strongly sets out a nutritional, economical, and more efficient way to process, produce, and serve our food.
            Starting a locavore movement would have so many positive outcomes not only on people but the earth as well. “For example eating local protects humans from bio-terrorism” (Source A). That means that food with less distance to travel from has less percentage of being a harmful contamination. Another way it greatly affects people is that it “Supports local providers with land” (Source A). By this, we give a chance or opportunity for farms and pastures an economic reason to stay open. Finally, “Locally growns produce is fresher” “Local food taste better” (Source A). Becoming a locavore benefits yourself the most because it is a healthier way of eating locally grown food from a 100-mile radius.
            Economically, a locavore movement would strongly benefit the community itself. A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy (Maiser). The money people would regularly, ridiculously give away to the multimillion-dollar corporations could be spent helping out communities. A recent bill legislation passed which gave 2.3 billion to specialty crops where as before it was fewer. This allows farmers to get 75% of their organic certification cost reimbursed.  Tom Harkin, a senator, feels that the bill is not only helping our community but we are investing in the health and nutrition of the American children (Gogoi). In addition, this provides much-needed jobs at the local levels that goes on to rebuild hurting communities says Paul Roberts. A locavore will positively shape-up our economy.
            A locavore movement benefits the earth really great because it reduces long-distance food shipments that generate a lot of fuel that effects the air quality of earth. Eating local is better for air quality and pollution than eating organic (Source A) The miles that food travels creates environmental damage by the expose of gas coming in and out delivering the food when we can just simply avoid that and produce the food locally. It is why overall, locavores provide a better systematic for earth itself, communities, and the own produce we eat.  If we start a locavore movement we will begin to see huge changes in the community and ourselves as well.

1 comment:

  1. Your essay is a good essay overall. It has a nice thesis sentence and your body paragraphs support your thesis. The sources you used support your body and they are good examples ^-^
