Wednesday, November 5, 2014


         My name is *Julia Rodriguez, and I am a proud Hispanic who’s 16 years of age. I am a softball player who currently has 3 college course classes in her 11th grade year. In my community I would be known as a person que va a salir de la pobresa otherwise known as “someone who will leave from the poverty”. I am identified as an overachiever in my community and people express admiration for it. Although I like the recognition as the more and more people I meet along the way of my path of education, I find it reprehensible to not hear of those who have made a difference in another aspect besides education. As a Hispanic we hardly have a great big headline on a newspaper of an achievement we made, unless if it is in our own Hispanic newspaper. We should heed the little achievements of others as well and not just in the Hispanic community in every community with unspoken heroes, pursuers, or achievers.

         I am excited to be in your class because you were such a great substitute and your zeal goes perfectly well with the way you teach. I am very lucky to have an intellectual teacher like you this year and I bet you will teach me a lot. In my ninth grade year I had Mr. M who had us read books to capture our ideas, images and thoughts in a journal just like the RR journal. I enjoyed it a lot because it was well organized and like a book diary. In my 10th enjoyed having his class because his selections of books for the class were prodigious and astounding. As the year round up, my favorite class would have to be my Creative Writing class in middle school. My writing is so amazing and better when I free write or write fictional stories because my mind gets carried away with great, big ideas. When writing my stories it was just pages and pages piling up. The most pages I have written for that class were 16 pages long. I believe we should have more of these Creative Writing classes because it opens up teens’ creative minds that have never been discovered or brought to light yet.

        My goal in life is to become a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. I just have a great love and care for children as well as patience. Knowing that I can cure or make children get/feel better is such a good feeling. For my educational ride into becoming a pediatrician I just want a four-year ticket to a good UC school. The more and more I spend in high school, the less friends I have and the more homework I have. I don’t need a lot of friends to know that I am great, because I know I am! I like to describe myself competitive and ardent yet I get lazy which is really bad. As a matter of fact, I love a little competition here and there and I believe it is good for everyone.

*Name has been changed

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


                Locavore Movement
            A community is considering organizing a locavore movement. Locavores are people who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products as much as possible. With nutrition starting to grab people’s attention, the locavore movement has become widespread and well-known over the past decade. Beginning a locavore movement would be a more convenient resolution to bio-terrorism, the earth (as in: air quality and pollution), supporting local providers, and overall because it taste 10 times better. However, starting this movement is not so easy. Some might disagree in the benefits of eating food grown and produced locally because of the distance of fresh produce and because Americans aren’t really motivated and nutrient deprived to eat these types of produced food. The locavore movement strongly sets out a nutritional, economical, and more efficient way to process, produce, and serve our food.
            Starting a locavore movement would have so many positive outcomes not only on people but the earth as well. “For example eating local protects humans from bio-terrorism” (Source A). That means that food with less distance to travel from has less percentage of being a harmful contamination. Another way it greatly affects people is that it “Supports local providers with land” (Source A). By this, we give a chance or opportunity for farms and pastures an economic reason to stay open. Finally, “Locally growns produce is fresher” “Local food taste better” (Source A). Becoming a locavore benefits yourself the most because it is a healthier way of eating locally grown food from a 100-mile radius.
            Economically, a locavore movement would strongly benefit the community itself. A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy (Maiser). The money people would regularly, ridiculously give away to the multimillion-dollar corporations could be spent helping out communities. A recent bill legislation passed which gave 2.3 billion to specialty crops where as before it was fewer. This allows farmers to get 75% of their organic certification cost reimbursed.  Tom Harkin, a senator, feels that the bill is not only helping our community but we are investing in the health and nutrition of the American children (Gogoi). In addition, this provides much-needed jobs at the local levels that goes on to rebuild hurting communities says Paul Roberts. A locavore will positively shape-up our economy.
            A locavore movement benefits the earth really great because it reduces long-distance food shipments that generate a lot of fuel that effects the air quality of earth. Eating local is better for air quality and pollution than eating organic (Source A) The miles that food travels creates environmental damage by the expose of gas coming in and out delivering the food when we can just simply avoid that and produce the food locally. It is why overall, locavores provide a better systematic for earth itself, communities, and the own produce we eat.  If we start a locavore movement we will begin to see huge changes in the community and ourselves as well.


            In the Abigail Adams letter she advises and reminds her son who is traveling abroad with his father, John Adams, to take ahold of every given opportunity there is. She wanted to shape up and guide John Quincy Adams into a better thinker and innovator just like his father, John Adams. Abigail Adams lets her son know how much knowledge he has and all the superior advantages he has laid out in front of him so that he does not repent his second voyage to France.  She advises and persuades him all by using rhetorics such as pathos, logos, and ethos as well as adding in figurative language such as metaphors and imagery.
            The use of pathos is seen in the tone used by Abigail Adams throughout her letter. She shows shifting through serious and then to a sensitive more connective tone towards her son from beginning to end. She appeals to emotions such as “Render your parents supremely happy, particularly your ever affectionate mother,”. She also uses emotional appeals when she rants into the greatness that her son holds which has made her a proud mother. This better persuades and encourages John Quincy Adams to take action.
            The use of logos is merely seen through the example given of Cicero.
 This gives her persuasion towards her son to be a more historical inspiration for the way Cicero accomplished his achievements through the push and struggle of many haters. She expands her use of logos by expressing that “ all history will convince you of this, and that wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience”.
            As Abigail Adams writes the letter she writes and awards herself towards he credibility, reminding her son that it was her urge towards him to accompany his father and brother on the voyage. “If I had thought your reluctance arose from proper deliberation… I should not have urged you to accompany your father and brother.” Abigail Adams speaks towards her son as a “mother-knows-best” tone, and compliments herself and her husband, John Adams.  “You have a parent… as to be honored with the important embassy which at present calls him abroad.” Abigail Adams furthermore adds on the credibility of his father to encourage John to do be outstanding and take ahold of the greater advantages given.


                    Creativity Crisis
            Many people differ struggles whether it is at home, work, physical, emotional, etc. However, a major struggle that the whole world is dealing with is creativity within the walls of our schools and walls of our brain. We have been lacking creativity worldwide and it is presenting its absence among a given creativity test. Authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman published “The Creativity Crisis” in in July 2010. The published news was determined by a test of creativity that had been given to millions to people. Nevertheless, the creativity test failed, as it showed that the “creativity quotient” had crept downward, since 1990. It had come to someone’s attention that the insufficiency and decline in creativity was “most serious” in younger children, from kindergarten through sixth grade. In the meantime we are having trouble coming up for creative solutions, whether it is an everyday problem or an international importance like saving the Gulf of Mexico. It is highly recommended that these children, as well as adults, be taught more about creativity through creative thinking classes. Not only to become better for the test but so that we humans start to grow and expand alongside creativity.
            Creativity can mean so much. It is a structure of our minds so that we are able to think “outside the box” and look for answers or see certain things that aren’t visually there at first. Creativity will help expand the mind of what we are conformed to normally think and help build a tree of knowledge of new ways in how to think or answer. Creativity is essential and can identify the limit of how much one person can think about a certain topic. For example, if a subject matter were to be brought up between two students -one being creative and the other not- the creative student will excel way better and further than the original student. The creative student will think of fresh new ideas/answers, on the other hand, the other student will be limited to the way he/she thinks and may have a difficult time trying to solve or approach the subject matter.
            Creativity starts at a young age, therefore it should be explicitly taught at children’s schools from a very young age in which they can begin developing their creative minds from an early age and throughout their lives. It should also begin at an early age like kindergarten due to the fact that the test had its decline during that stage. The younger, the better, because at this stage it is where children are taught to see/say/do/think things one way and not the other. Professor Kyung Hee Kim at the College of William and Mary claimed as quoted,” It’s very clear, and the decrease is very significant,” She also reports that it was the scores of the younger children in America- from kindergarten through sixth grade- for whom the decline is most serious. It is unfortunate to know that the decline were from the children instead of adults because it is a period in life where kids begin to develop, discover, and learn new things.
            Regardless, the school board might find it hard to agree with this decision because it might be a wasted class period or wasted time on the children. In addition, a new class would cost money so that a teacher can teach the creative-thinking class. Despite that, we shouldn’t put a price on the education of any children/teen or even an adult. The creativity class would be a great privilege to have, because later in life when those children become students and compete in college, it compares one student from another.

            I hereby strongly suggest that the creative thinking class should be put into action, towards kindergarden-6th, teens, and adults who struggle as well. It would be a great outcome for students in the future to develop a much more broader and better way of thinking. Furthermore, by having these creative thinking classes we will see a change in our future and the publics “creativity quotient” will begin to grow upward.