Thursday, February 26, 2015

Descriptive Essay

           Throughout the three given weeks after finals ended I began my first week by sleeping in. I was exhausted from late nights of hard studying and the cramming of all the information needed on my finals. I decided to devote my whole week to sleeping (or so I had thought) to catch up with my sleeping schedule. However, I did not get as much sleep as I intended because my nephews would come over every other day to wake me up and play on the new WII DANCE that I had just received sometime around Thanksgiving. By the end of the week I was nearly as or more tired than I was before the break had started. Friday came along and I noticed the need of ventilation in my room. The plates stocked up and put aside to the corner meant I had gotten really lazy and was merely about to become a cave woman. I had gotten so lazy so I decided to do my AP Calculus and AP Chemistry homework since there was nothing better to do. Yeah, I could’ve cleaned the house around and I could’ve volunteered somewhere or went to go play outside for an hour but I realized there was no harm in dedicating my first week off to myself I felt the need to reward myself after the mental pain I took on from the last week before 2015. I did nothing productive besides my homework and run a few miles and finished off the ending of the first week. I had seen the day turn into night in a blink of an eye and it all felt so great.
            Starting my second week I was eager to get to Christmas Day. My favorite holiday was coming up and there was no doubt about the exciting yet comforting spirit filling all of Los Angeles, well specifically me. I was obviously excited for the presents but it is much more than that. It is the greatness of the whole family coming together for once and the boast of each individual sharing amazing, bizarre stories that fill the room with laughter and good energy. Although there might me some arguments here and there, it all settles down when the plates are ready to eat and we are to busy with food in our mouths’. The guys play football or soccer and the women sit around to gossip. I migrate around between the kids and adults but mostly isolate myself so that I can watch my favorite Christmas movies. This year I knew I was going to receive an Iphone 5. Leading up to Christmas Day I went to my best friend’s house because they were having a Pre-Christmas Party in order to get their family together before they disperse. His family was enormous (I believe I met approximately 70 people), but they were all so great and full of great energy. His uncles were my favorite because they kept throwing jokes around and roasted one another. The food was international, or so it felt like that. I ate so many different things, sadly leaving me no room in my stomach for the table full of sweets.  After we ate some of the uncles and other family members sat down to watch the Chargers vs. the Niners football game. It got so intense that one of the uncles ended up paying me $10! Although the Aunts were always playfully saying, "She’s your girlfriend huh?”. They were also great because they were in charge of the amazing food and stories they shared with me. I danced until my feet were sore and full of blisters. I slept over my best friend’s house and stayed up at night watching movies. I was stuffed like never before. For the past days I reminisced about the delicious food but no worries because then came Christmas Eve! I was greeted by so many of my family members that I hadn’t seen in years. I received nice souvenirs from different places followed by warm hugs. We played, we danced, we laughed, we cherished. Christmas Eve had turned out more spectacular than I could’ve ever imagined. The grownups and I played Loteria a famous Hispanic game right after the kids settled into bed. However, we gambled our money to play. I went home 5 dollars richer and my mom went home a dollar richer. It was hectic, it was wild, it was amazing. By 12am I was home now, eager to bash open all of my gifts. The wait was eating me inside out and my Dad hadn’t arrived yet, my brother had left with his girlfriend, and my mom had fallen asleep. I decided to open one gift – the Iphone5 I had been longing to own ever since the summer of 2015. I opened the big box and it was just stuffed with a smaller box and so on and so on. Until I had finished rummaging and had reached the last final box; shaking, touching, sniffing the box, trying to figure out if in fact it really was my new phone. I slowly opened. BOOM the waterworks came on. It wasn’t the Iphone5 at all but instead the Iphone6. It was the biggest plot twist I could’ve ever ended 2015 with and I was so stoked to have the most recent technology of Apple by far. After I cried out my last tears I ended up sleeping knowing I was content with one of the many gifts I had received this Christmas.
            On the third week, my mom had politely asked me to go help her babysit and clean the house of where she worked at. It was New Year’s Eve and there was much to do to get the house looking tidy and ready for that night. I acceptingly accompanied my mother to her job not knowing the worst was to come. As I walk in the house I noticed the woman and her 3 year old child. I began to entertain the child as my mom said her good-byes to the woman. As I was peacefully watching tv with the 3 year old I heard a “purr” and ignored it thinking it was next door or outside. I heard the “purr” again and this time it was closer. I began to look outside the window and under the couch in search for any type of cat. Being so paranoid due to the fact that I was allergic to cats. Strolling in with high confidence came in a black and white cat and I yelled at my mom, “MOMMMM! There’s a cat in this house” as she casually responded with a “Uhh- yeah I think”. How could my mother not have warned me about this. I didn’t come prepared with my allergy medicine or pills. Well, maybe if I just avoid it for the time being here, nothing will happen to me. I thought to myself as the cat and I interlocked eyes. Once I scooted myself to the far end of the couch the cat decided to spring up on my lap and rub up against my arms and shirt. WHYYYYY. WHY would this happen to me? At first I hadn’t noticed anything but then I got the sensation that my eye had this weird itch and the more I rubbed it the more it got swollen. In less than an hour my eye had turned into the most disgusting most uncomfortable pink eye I had ever gotten. The left side of my eyeball on the right eyeball had become numb and therefore every time I wanted to turn to look left the cornea on the right side would had to forcefully fold into the left side of my right eyeball. I was in pain and I wasn’t in my most attractive state. Sadly, my mom wasn’t able to run out and get me some medicine she had a lot of work to be finished before the woman came back home. So I had to suffer through the allergy for 6 hours at my mother’s workplace. Later that day I successfully survived and got home in time to swallow down my allergy pill medicine for an allergy that had dimmed down a bit. It wasn’t such a pleasant experience but it was a killer story to tell to all my friends. Later that week I focused in on eliminating all the fat I had absorbed in Winter Break. It was tough to break a sweat but I felt good and refreshed for a new semester. The last two days of the week before heading back to school, I tagged along with many other friends as we took on after Six Flags to enjoy the last few days of our season pass cards. It was amazing and luckily all the rollercoasters worked well. I, nor my friends, vomited in any of the rides. I came home from Six Flags, Sunday night, finishing off my last, sweet, glorious winter-break-minutes studying for the AP Calculus test I was going to have Monday morning.

Creativity Crisis!!!!

   Many people differ struggles whether it is at home, work, physical, emotional, etc. However, a major struggle that the whole world is dealing with is creativity within the walls of our schools and walls of our brain. We have been lacking creativity worldwide and it is presenting its absence among a given creativity test. Authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman published “The Creativity Crisis” in in July 2010. The published news was determined by a test of creativity that had been given to millions to people. Nevertheless, the creativity test failed, as it showed that the “creativity quotient” had crept downward, since 1990. It had come to someone’s attention that the insufficiency and decline in creativity was “most serious” in younger children, from kindergarten through sixth grade. In the meantime we are having trouble coming up for creative solutions, whether it is an everyday problem or an international importance like saving the Gulf of Mexico. It is highly recommended that these children, as well as adults, be taught more about creativity through creative thinking classes. Not only to become better for the test but so that we humans start to grow and expand alongside creativity.
            Creativity can mean so much. It is a structure of our minds so that we are able to think “outside the box” and look for answers or see certain things that aren’t visually there at first. Creativity will help expand the mind of what we are conformed to normally think and help build a tree of knowledge of new ways in how to think or answer. Creativity is essential and can identify the limit of how much one person can think about a certain topic. For example, if a subject matter were to be brought up between two students -one being creative and the other not- the creative student will excel way better and further than the original student. The creative student will think of fresh new ideas/answers, on the other hand, the other student will be limited to the way he/she thinks and may have a difficult time trying to solve or approach the subject matter.
            Creativity starts at a young age, therefore it should be explicitly taught at children’s schools from a very young age in which they can begin developing their creative minds from an early age and throughout their lives. It should also begin at an early age like kindergarten due to the fact that the test had its decline during that stage. The younger, the better, because at this stage it is where children are taught to see/say/do/think things one way and not the other. Professor Kyung Hee Kim at the College of William and Mary claimed as quoted,” It’s very clear, and the decrease is very significant,” She also reports that it was the scores of the younger children in America- from kindergarten through sixth grade- for whom the decline is most serious. It is unfortunate to know that the decline were from the children instead of adults because it is a period in life where kids begin to develop, discover, and learn new things.
            Regardless, the school board might find it hard to agree with this decision because it might be a wasted class period or wasted time on the children. In addition, a new class would cost money so that a teacher can teach the creative-thinking class. Despite that, we shouldn’t put a price on the education of any children/teen or even an adult. The creativity class would be a great privilege to have, because later in life when those children become students and compete in college, it compares one student from another.

            I hereby strongly suggest that the creative thinking class should be put into action, towards kindergarden-6th, teens, and adults who struggle as well. It would be a great outcome for students in the future to develop a much more broader and better way of thinking. Furthermore, by having these creative thinking classes we will see a change in our future and the publics “creativity quotient” will begin to grow upward.